
Break Free from Limitations and Soar to New Heights.

Our Services

Find Real Answers with Our Functional Medicine Approach

You’ve worked with the best medicine has to offer, but are still searching for answers. The road to full health won’t always be easy, but our care team’s personalized, technology-focused approach can help you regain your health.

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Professional & Experienced Coach

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The time you waste worrying is the enemy of your success

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Coaching Services

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Online Courses

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Consultations Services

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Conditions We Treat

Our functional medicine approach helps you to systematically address root causes of your illness. We focus on 12 central health domains

Digestive and Gut Health
The gut is home to over 70% of your immune system and proper gastrointestinal function is vital for health. Our comprehensive gut health focus takes a deep dive into testing and gut treatments to restore microbial, immune, and inflammation balance.
Epigenetics (noun): The way that gene expression can be turned on or off based on what you are exposed to (diet, stress, toxins, microbes, and more).
Inflammatory Disease
Inflammation is a central pathway through which most illnesses can be exacerbated or improved.
Epigenetics (noun): The way that gene expression can be turned on or off based on what you are exposed to (diet, stress, toxins, microbes, and more).
Food as Medicine
Food and nutrition can be used as a key therapeutic intervention and can enable your body to reset, decrease inflammation, and decrease immune activation. Although there is no one nutritional approach that works for everyone, almost all health conditions can be modulated through food, and optimizing nutrition is a core part of our practice.
Brain, Neurology, and Emotional Healing
The burden of cognitive and neurologic disease is enormous and these conditions are complex and multifactorial. Brain disorders can be triggered or exacerbated by imbalances in other body systems, and improved by focusing on your gut, hormones, toxin exposure, infections, and more.
Poor food choices, lack of nutrients, toxins, stress, and inflammation contribute to metabolic imbalance and diseases which are responsible for the majority of chronic illnesses. Metabolic interventions are an important lever to decrease inflammation, restore proper immune function, and enhance function across all of your body systems.
Undetected Infectious Disease
Disease is frequently triggered or caused by microbial imbalance or pathogens. Microbiome balance and composition is key to health, as human cells are outnumbered by bacteria, fungi, and viruses by a ratio of 10 to 1. Imbalances can lead to inflammation, immune dysregulation, and autoimmune activation.
Tickborne Diseases
Lyme and other tickborne diseases cause complex, multisystem illness that can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and can cause significant disability. With over 400,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year, careful expertise is needed to help you recover as fully as possible.
Insufficient or poor-quality sleep increases your risk of almost all health issues from immune imbalances, inflammation, metabolic diseases, brain and mood dysfunction, and even cancer. We offer support and technology to rebalance your sleep and achieve optimum health and longevity.
Immune Dysfunction
With a steep rise in complex immune-mediated illnesses that have severe consequences, many patients have turned to functional medicine for treatment of immune and autoimmune illnesses. Due to the broad toolkit that we have, treating autoimmune patients is some of the most rewarding work we do at functionalhealths
Hormonal Balance
Your body's hormone systems are deeply interconnected and in constant communication, making proper function and balance vital for health. Comprehensive testing, nutrients, supplements, lifestyle factors, and judicious replacement can play a significant role in recovery from a wide range of conditions.
Why Choose Us

Discover a Life of Purpose and Fulfillment

Certified Professional

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Personalized Approach

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Proven Track Record

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24/7 Premium Support

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Client Feedback

Online Consultation

Online Consultation Once you have booked your appointment, you will be sent a welcome email including a comprehensive questionnaire and a 3-day diet note-taking advice.
You can email these back by the day before, together with any additional information you may have, such as hospital correspondence, blood, urine, hormone, or any other test result that is related to the current condition.
Your initial appointment can last up to 60 minutes which allows us to explore your symptoms and also the reasons why you need support.
One condition can be caused by many causes and one cause can result in many conditions.