I have tried everything,
i doubt this
help me....

You Deserve to Be Heard. We're Here for You!

We see you as an individual, not just a diagnosis

What makes your experience unique?
Every body is different, and we want to discover what makes yours special?
What missing link keeps you stuck in the same symptoms?

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Professional & Experienced Coach

Dapibus urna penatibus gravida vestibulum magna in venenatis ullamcorper consectetuer eget imperdiet.

Conditions we work with

Brain, Neurology, and Emotional Healing
The burden of cognitive and neurologic disease is enormous and these conditions are complex and multifactorial. Brain disorders can be triggered or exacerbated by imbalances in other body systems, and improved by focusing on your gut, hormones, toxin exposure, infections, and more.
Poor food choices, lack of nutrients, toxins, stress, and inflammation contribute to metabolic imbalance and diseases which are responsible for the majority of chronic illnesses. Metabolic interventions are an important lever to decrease inflammation, restore proper immune function, and enhance function across all of your body systems.
Food as Medicine
Food and nutrition can be used as a key therapeutic intervention and can enable your body to reset, decrease inflammation, and decrease immune activation. Although there is no one nutritional approach that works for everyone, almost all health conditions can be modulated through food, and optimizing nutrition is a core part of our practice.
Hormonal Balance
Your body's hormone systems are deeply interconnected and in constant communication, making proper function and balance vital for health. Comprehensive testing, nutrients, supplements, lifestyle factors, and judicious replacement can play a significant role in recovery from a wide range of conditions.

Decoding Health:

Connecting All the Dots
These are symptoms (pieces)
what is the reason behind (whole picture)
why they are presenting?
What if looking and focusing only on WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
the question to answer might be WHY is this happening to me?
What if looking and focusing only on WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
the question to answer might be
WHY is this happening to me?

Discover a Life of
Purpose and Fulfillment

Your result is our win.
Your result is our win.
We measure our success by your health improvements.
Focus is you, not our program
Focus is you, not our program
Our approach is personalized to fit your unique needs,
not a one-size-fits-all program.
Live, enjoy, smile and we will adapt
Live, enjoy, smile and we will adapt
Enjoy your life while we adjust our methods to
support your well-being.
We guarantee the results
We guarantee the results
We are committed to delivering real, measurable
health outcomes.

Following our protocol 95% and not getting the results you want, we will fully refund the protocol amount!
T&C apply

Single Issue - Group Program
Decoding Health- Group Program

(include everything from Single issue - group program plus)

VIP- 1:1

(include everything from Decoding health group program plus)

what is now

Youssef Safa Client

I started working with Stefan years ago and initially came to him with a goal to improve shoulder strength and mobility, while also reducing shoulder pain. Stefan has taken time to understand my challenges and listen, and I continue to experience progress throughout my sessions with him. I especially appreciate his knowledge and his guidance which he generously shares to help me in the interim and longer term.

Aleksandar Curcic Client

I would like to share my positive experience, I had a problem with breathing and allergies, when I decided to contact Stefan. We have consulted and exchanged all the necessary information. I can breathe much easier now and my allergies are incomparably less. Thanks to Stefan for his dedicated work and I will continue to work with him regularly because the treatment really helps me.

YOUR Success Achievement Victory Triumph Accomplishment STORY

Training Videos
+ 0

There are educational videos available that teach about the body’s health systems, their common issues, and how to address them effectively.

+ 100

We have over 300 satisfied clients across the globe who are pleased with our services.

We can help to
decode your health

Our dedicated team is here to guide and support you at every step on your journey to better health. Your well-being is our primary focus. We can't persuade you to feel better you are the best judge of that.

We can design the most effective health protocol in the world, but if it doesn’t work for you, it’s irrelevant. Your unique needs determine the success of any plan, and your feedback is crucial to our approach.

That’s why your experience matters to us. We want to understand how you feel at every step of the Decoding Health process, so we can identify your needs and challenges, making the journey as smooth and seamless as possible.

Most Popular Questions

Consultations are done online via the ZOOM platform, regardless of your location and time zone.

Simple. You don’t. BUT!

That is the reason why we are offering 45 minutes free consultation where you will have the opportunity to ask any question that you are looking for the answer.

we will inform you about what we think is the problem and how you got it today.

and you will get our proposition on how your health issue can be resolved and how you can collaborate with us.

Every protocol is completely individualized, there are no two same protocols as they are not two same people in the world.

You will be advised to get a couple of supplements for the core of your issue, not one supplement for each symptom.

Certain diet and diet regimes will be advised after the initial consultation.

No expensive private lab test will be required.

We are not adapting you to the protocol, the protocol is adapting to you!

We are listening to what your body is and will say during the process of recovery and detoxification.


As your body is adapting also the protocol will adapt!

There is no final version of the protocol, the end is when you are feeling fully energized, lack symptoms, and are not dependent on the protocol or supplements for a lifetime!

From 4-6 weeks, depending on the condition.

Once you applied for the consultation you will get the ZOOM link with the date and time.

Decoding health questionnaire, where you will be required to fill it in detail and attach the documents that you think will be important for the consultation.

Free Consultations

Please fill out the form below to receive a free consultation.

Online Consultation

Online Consultation Once you have booked your appointment, you will be sent a welcome email including a comprehensive questionnaire and a 3-day diet note-taking advice.
You can email these back by the day before, together with any additional information you may have, such as hospital correspondence, blood, urine, hormone, or any other test result that is related to the current condition.
Your initial appointment can last up to 60 minutes which allows us to explore your symptoms and also the reasons why you need support.
One condition can be caused by many causes and one cause can result in many conditions.