Our Approach

Everything began with my story.

I remember going through a really tough time when I experienced sharp pain in my lower back during a training session in 2020. It was so intense that I couldn’t move for a few hours, and I felt almost paralyzed. Even a few days later, I was struggling to move around and could only manage to walk for five minutes before the pain became too much.

The irony is that, at that time, I was already working as a successful therapist for years, and I wasn’t able to help myself with this irritating pain.

It was really frustrating because I felt like my life was completely out of balance. Every task was a struggle, and just getting through the day was exhausting.

During the period of 8 years, I was consistently pursuing knowledge and different types of therapies and treatments that are helping people around the world and that could help me in the end.

On the way to the functional medicine world, I was searching and discovering:

Different types of massages for more than 3 years.
Neuromuscular and Neurokinetic techniques for 7 years.
Neural Hacking for 4 years.

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I would lie if i said i wasn’t feeling progress.

I was, but the problem was always coming back, and it seemed like I could not get rid of it once and for all.
But then I heard something that really intrigued me: that the immune system could be linked to low back pain.

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At first, it seemed like a strange idea, but I was determined to understand it better. That’s when I discovered functional medicine and joined a mentorship program with one of the best in the field, Stewart Gillespie.

It was amazing how much my mind was blown by what I learned. I realized that the root cause of my pain might not just be physical but could be related to my immune system. By addressing the underlying issue, I was finally able to start the healing process.

If you are experiencing chronic pain or any health issues and feel that traditional medicine has not provided the answers you need, I highly recommend exploring functional medicine. It could be the breakthrough you need to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Functional medicine is a whole-person approach to healthcare that focuses on finding the root causes of health problems instead of just treating symptoms. For me, it was about identifying the factors that were impacting my immune system and working to correct them.

Now, I’m so grateful for what I’ve learned that I’ve started a project called FUNCTIONAL HEALTHS to share it with others. It is a really rewarding experience to help people understand more about their own bodies and then about functional medicine and how it can transform their health.

What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine practitioners view the body as a whole, integrated, and recognize that symptoms may be the result of underlying imbalances or dysfunctions in the body system. Rather than simply treating the symptoms, functional medicine seeks to identify and address the underlying causes of these imbalances to promote long-term health and wellness.
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What is functional medicine?
We, as Functional medicine practitioners, take a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the physical, emotional, and environmental factors that contribute to a client’s overall health. We work closely with each client to develop personalized treatment plans that are tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.
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What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine also emphasizes the importance of preventative care and promoting promotes optimal health rather than just treating disease. This includes focusing on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other lifestyle factors that can significantly impact overall health and well-being.
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What is functional medicine?
One of the key principles of functional medicine is that each person is unique and has individual needs when it comes to healthcare. This personalized approach allows practitioners to address the underlying causes of a client’s health problems and provide targeted treatments that are specific to their needs.
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What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine also places a strong emphasis on client education and empowerment. Practitioners work closely with clients to help them understand their health conditions and how they can take an active role in managing their own health.
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What is functional medicine?
Overall, while conventional medicine has many strengths and has been successful in treating many acute health conditions, functional medicine offers a client-centered, holistic approach that considers each individual’s unique needs and circumstances. By addressing the underlying causes of health problems and promoting optimal health and wellness, functional medicine can potentially transform how we approach healthcare.
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Finally, why have I chosen Functional Medicine as my approach?

Functional medicine became my approach because it helped me identify the root cause of my lower back pain, which turned out to be related to my immune system. This understanding allowed me to focus on addressing the underlying issue and promoting healing rather than just treating the symptoms.

Through the Innate Immunity mentorship program, I gained a deeper understanding of how the immune system and other bodily systems work together, which helped me achieve better results in my own healing journey. As a result of this experience, I want to share what I’ve learned and help others on their journeys to reclaim their health.

Why is our approach different?

Over the past eight years, we have gained extensive knowledge and experience working with world-class athletes, high-level businesspeople, ministries, and individuals suffering from chronic pain and conditions that were previously wrongly considered untreatable.
We believe our approach, which examines the impact of lifestyle habits, diet, various stressors, infections, environmental factors such as air quality and EMFs, and our thoughts on the body, is working very effectively!
Why do we think that? Because we have not seen a platform that is getting as much information and putting one picture out of it. And the successfully treated conditions are here to confirm this.
Our goal is to use our unique system to examine you and your body’s systems in an unmatched way in the industry to help you deal with your “untreatable” conditions. Our ultimate goal is to empower you to take control of your health and well-being without needing our services.
We believe we are one of the best in the industry because we are continually questioning our methods and looking for ways to improve. We acknowledge that we can be wrong and accept that possibility.
We understand that the body is made up of trillions of cells, and each cell has its own story to tell, which is often overlooked or ignored due to information overload.
Functional medicine seeks to identify the root causes of health problems rather than just treating the symptoms. Functional medicine can help individuals achieve optimal health and wellness by addressing underlying imbalances.
We view our relationship with our clients as a trust-based partnership, and we believe that if we lose their trust, we lose ourselves. We do not consider ourselves perfect and understand there is always room for improvement.

Difference between conventional medicine and functional medicine?

Conventional medicine is a widely adopted approach to healthcare that primarily focuses on diagnosing and treating specific diseases or symptoms. This approach typically relies on standardized protocols based on clinical trials and evidence-based medicine.

On the other hand, functional medicine is a client-centered approach that seeks to identify the underlying root causes of health problems. This approach considers the interconnectedness of the body’s systems and functions.

Conventional medicine primarily focuses on diagnosing and treating specific diseases or symptoms, often relying on medication or surgery as the primary interventions. It is based on standardized protocols and guidelines and may not always consider the unique needs and circumstances of an individual.

In contrast, functional medicine is a client-centered approach to health care that takes a holistic view of the body and considers the interconnectedness of its systems and functions. This approach seeks to identify the underlying root causes of health problems, using a range of diagnostic tools and personalized interventions that may include lifestyle changes, nutrition, and supplements.

Functional medicine empowers clients to take an active role in their health and well-being by providing them with education and resources to understand their conditions better and manage their symptoms. It integrates the best of conventional and alternative medicine, drawing on evidence-based research to provide comprehensive and personalized care that addresses each client’s unique needs.

Online Consultation

Online Consultation Once you have booked your appointment, you will be sent a welcome email including a comprehensive questionnaire and a 3-day diet note-taking advice.
You can email these back by the day before, together with any additional information you may have, such as hospital correspondence, blood, urine, hormone, or any other test result that is related to the current condition.
Your initial appointment can last up to 60 minutes which allows us to explore your symptoms and also the reasons why you need support.
One condition can be caused by many causes and one cause can result in many conditions.